Триває виконання міської соціальної програми підтримки криворіжців. На квітневому засіданні виконкому міськради підтримані всі рішення соціального напрямку. В цілому, з початку року з міського бюджету вже виділено 87,4 млн грн на соціальну підтримку мешканців Кривого Рогу.
«В умовах воєнного стану у Кривому Розі не скасована жодна муніципальна виплата. Ми залишаємося містом соціального захисту та підтримки криворіжців. На сьогодні збережена і вдало працює наймасштабніша в Україні соціальна програма. Вона передбачає понад 50 різних видів матеріальних допомог, пільг та компенсацій», - зазначив Юрій Вілкул, в. о. міського голови Кривого Рогу - заступник голови Ради оборони Кривого Рогу.
"You can sit back, do nothing, whine and drink soothing, listening to the howls of sirens, or take yourself in hand and become a volunteer, helping our defenders, thus bringing our victory closer," Hanna Litvinchuk, the head of tourism development of the Kryvyi Rih City Development Institution, said.
Work at the Institute of Development of Kryvyi Rih involves the creation and implementation of projects that would help our city become more comfortable for people's lives. However, we are in a different time now. After the war, we will think about how to make our hometown even better, but now, we must do our best to help those at the front..
Since 2014, many Kryvyi Rih residents have taken an active part in the volunteer movement, weaving camouflage nets for soldiers and buildings, organizing the purchase and delivery of bulletproof vests, helmets, thermal imagers and other much-needed ammunition for our guys at the front.
Kryvyi Rih is reliably defended, a powerful multi-level defence system has been created, and since Monday, 21 March, distance learning has been resumed in Kryvyi Rih schools. It was announced by Acting Mayor Yurii Vilkul. "Life must go on," he said.
“I believe that even in such difficult conditions, children should receive an education. A flexible schedule of lessons should be drawn up, and all possible Internet resources should be involved,” Yurii Vilkul said.
He stressed that "school leaders must take a balanced approach to the educational process because a large number of school staff are involved in defence of the city, namely, preparing food for our soldiers and refugees, weaving camouflage nets, collecting humanitarian aid, providing round-the-clock shelters in schools."
The Military Administration of the city of Kryvyi Rih provided humanitarian aid, including clothes, towels, hygiene products, juices and much more, for evacuees from dangerous areas of our city and migrants from other cities who are now in territorial centres.
Acting Mayor, Deputy Chairman of the Kryvyi Rih Defense Council Yuriy Vilkul held a field meeting in the territorial centre of one of the districts of the city.
"Our social services will do everything possible to make the people who were forced to leave their buildings - residents of the Central City, Inhulets, Dovhyntsivskyi districts, and including people from some areas of the Kryvyi Rih district, feel protected. For less mobile people, we have attracted all our territorial centres in which comfortable conditions are created, organized 3 meals a day and round-the-clock service. Also, all humanitarian aid that comes to the territorial centres is provided to people.
On behalf of Acting Mayor of Kryvyi Rih Yurii Vilkul in the framework of the Day of Unity, following the Presidential Decree "On urgent measures to consolidate Ukrainian society", in all districts of Kryvyi Rih, State Flags of Ukraine were hung on buildings of local governments, local executive bodies, enterprises and organisations.
At 10:00 am, the National Anthem of Ukraine was performed as part of a nationwide action in all districts of the city, as well as on city TV channels. In front of the building of the city Executive Committee, its staff performed the Anthem live with the accompaniment of a brass band.
The excursion to the Southern Mining and Processing Plant for photographers and artists organised by CE "Kryvyi Rih City Development Institution" left no one indifferent.
The industry's scale is impressive, and it is a strong impetus for creativity. So, the artists shared the vivid emotions felt by them, contemplating the unforgettable landscapes of industrial Kryvbas.
Photographers noticed that from the height of the observation deck, huge cars of three or four human heights resembled ants, and it was simply impossible to see them without enlarging the photo, and even just photos could make people feel the infinite depth of the quarry. The artists, in turn, emphasized the unique colour palette and unique industrial charm, which could inspire the creation of new paintings and creative experiments.